Fall is here; Fall Shows are here

Posted by Pat Kenrick on

With the start of October, out autumn shows are once again in full swing.  Autumn holds a special place in my heart.  Our wedding anniversary is in October;  Alexis's birthday is in November.  Fall was the beginning of our etsy store, and thus this business.  


With fall comes some of our favorite shows.  We attend some of these shows year after year.  We have come to know many of these vendors as our "show family".  It is so good to hear of their summer travels and see the excitement in their eyes as we all look forward to a great fall.  Some of these friends have really turned into family; people you can rely on when things are tough.  They know the shows as well as we do, and can really understand how tiring and exhilarating they can be, all at the same time. 


The changing of the leaves always inspires me to create new art. The changing colors and the landscapes that appear from the fallen leaves, speak to me on an artistic and creative level.  As a child, fall always meant a new art teacher or learning new artistic techniques.  I would rush home after school and want to dive right into each new creative method.  


Fall means pumpkins, spooky goblins, Thanksgiving turkey, and family.  What does fall mean to you?

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