
The Neptune Festival

Posted by Pat Kenrick on

It's officially fall!  The weather is starting to cool down, the leaves will be changing colors, and fall festivals are gearing up. There are so many shows to do, and so little time.  Please keep up-to-date on our scheduling via the sidebar schedule on our website. One show I am particularly excited about is The Neptune Festival in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Hundreds of thousands of people celebrate the beach life each year at Neptune Festival Boardwalk Weekend! Daily concerts at 3 festival stages feature local, regional, and national acts. Over 250 artists will set up shop on the boardwalk, along with...

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T-Shirts and Tanks and Hoodies. Oh My!

Posted by Pat Kenrick on

I am so excited to finally be able to offer clothing in our online store!  We have has some issues with t-shirts in the past, not being the right colors for the artwork, the artwork peeling from the t-shirts, and other problems with the t-shirts.  We are excited to announce that we have resolved these issues and are now able to offer quality t-shirts, tank tops, and hoodies. Check out some of the great clothing options! T-Shirts   Tanks   Hoodies   Most every piece of clothing is available in multiple colors! What art do you want to see on...

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Artists I Love

Posted by Pat Kenrick on

I love going to shows and meeting so many artists. I have three artists that I love and wanted to share with you.   Artoons: Determined to be a crusader for color, Sherry Smith, aka Shoopy, took paint brushes in hand and began imposing her vivid palette on the world - one brush stroke at a time. From her studio in St. Petersburg, FL, Artoons by Full Circle produces more than 175artisan designed products that evoke smiles and chuckles from amused customers across the country. I love her artwork because it makes me smile. She has a great taste for...

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Music to Inspire

Posted by Pat Kenrick on

Besides art, music is a great love in my life.  I love to put on some music and just get into the zone while creating art.  No matter if it is brainstorming, sketching, painting, or splattering, music helps me focus on being in the right "head-space" to create.  Two bands that have always helped inspire my artwork are The Beatles and The Grateful Dead.  The Beatles: The first time I heard The Beatles was February 9, 1964.  The Beatles debuted on the Ed Sullivan Show.  Beatlemania had arrived, and I was a fully helpless participant.  Ever since 1964, I have...

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The Process

Posted by Pat Kenrick on

At least a dozen times at each show Pat is asked how he creates the artwork you see.  He's decided to write the entire process down.  The art is created by a watercolor, cut-and-paste technique developed by Pat himself. He starts with a blank page of watercolor paper, which he then paints the entire page with a variety of colors. On top of the paint, Pat sketches his design in pencil. He then cuts out the design with a sharp tool known as an X-Acto knife. This creates a paper cutout. This paper cut out is then pasted down on...

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